"Bolifushi" is a Maldivian island located in the South of Male Atoll. This island is located in the middle of the Maldives situated in the Indian Ocean, 450 kilometers south of India.
This island has the distinction of being an "island hotel". It means there are no habitants except the tourists on the island.
The Maldives is a hot and humid place. Temperatures vary on average between 26 ° C and 28 ° C at night and 30 ° C and 32 ° C during the day. The proximity to the equator and ocean maintains humidity between 70% and 90%. The temperature felt often exceed 40 ° C. The sea water is clear and this temperature is always above 27 ° C. Surrounding of the island, there are lagoons whose provide a varied presence of underwater flora and fauna.
The airport of Malé is just at 20 minutes by boat of the Bolifushi's island.
It is an Island to rest and drink cocktails next to the sea. However, you can do scuba diving. On this Island you have 4 restaurants where you can eat specialities of Asia.
For lodging:
Jumeirah Vittaveli (a 5 stars hotel) offers the luxurious air-conditioned villas with a private pool, maxi-bars and wonderful views because it has an exclusive seaside. It also offers a spa . You have 43 beach villas and suites, and 46 water villas and ocean suites..
If you need more information go on http://www.jumeirah.com/
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